Searching for Suppliers More Efficiently


Here’s how to search more efficiently for suppliers in Toursoft using our search filters.


The best way to narrow down your search in Toursoft is using our search filters. Here are the steps to add search filters for your suppliers:


1. First, login to Toursoft with your email and password



2. Whenever you need to check information regarding your suppliers, check out the sidebar on the left-hand side and select “Suppliers



3. On your Suppliers screen, you will find a supplier search bar. To the right of the search bar, select the “Filter” button.



4. Input the parameters you would like to apply to your search. This includes searching by activity, name, transportation, and other parameters.



5. Click anywhere else on the screen to clear the filter page.


6. You can now browse supplier options within your search parameters. This should help you find just what you’re looking for.



Note: If your desired supplier does not show up, you can search them by name or add a supplier in Toursoft.