How to Integrate Your Web API (with API Endpoints Detail)


Unlock new and powerful options.


Toursoft allows you to connect your itinerary experience using Web API keys. This will allow you to access metadata and use Toursoft even more potently. 

Here’s an example. Say we’re trying to access the following API: /api/integration/v1/enquiries

First, login to Toursoft with your email and password



Now, copy the text of your URL on the top. This will serve as your base URL:



Now, we want to access [/api/integration/v1/enquiries], and our Base URL is []. So we need to follow this format:


That’s right, just add the API directory to the end of your Base URL, and it will send you to where you want to go.

Here are some examples of other places you can go, to get you started:






Create new enquiries including customer information



Get all the information needed to create a. enquiry. 


To create the inquiry form, we need the available options from the system to show those on the form. For example, available currency, gender type, locations, tour type information, etc which you will get from this API.



Get list of itineraries

/api/integration/v1/itineraries/ {itinerary_id} 


Get itinerary details by ID


Finally, to access the API systems, you are required to attach the given API key in the HTTP header as the following:

Authorization: Bearer {{token}}


For this step, you’ll want to go to Settings>API and select “Generate New Token



So, if your token is: 



Then you should attach the API key in the HTTP header as the following:

Authorization: Bearer {{CGSfmvd5K9E08UHkiRjieWbiXA6Izfun2FyITExi9jXv4}}


API endpoints

Please find below the table for a summary of endpoints and usage.


HTTP verb

Detail info

Description and  characteristics



Detail info

Create new enquiries including customer information



Detail info

Get all the information needed to create a enquiry.

To create the inquiry form, we need the available options from the system to show those on the form. For example, available currency, gender type, locations, tour type information, etc which you will get from this API.



Detail info

Get list of itineraries



Detail info

Get itinerary details by ID

API Endpoints Detail

Fetch the data need to create a new Enquiry

API Path




Sample Response


"status": "success",

"status_code": 200,

"data": {

"locale": "en",

"company": {

"id": 1,

"name": "JT",

"email": null,

"website": null,

"phone_number": null,

"country": {

"id": 107,

"iso": "JP",

"name": "JAPAN",

"nicename": "Japan",

"iso3": "JPN",

"numcode": 392,

"phonecode": 81


"city": null,

"state": null,

"address_line_one": null,

"address_line_two": null,

"language": "en",

"media": [


"id": 51,

"url": "…",

"bigthumb_url": "….",

"original_url": "…."



"currency": {

"id": 3,

"name": "Japanese yen",

"code": "JPY",

"symbol": "¥",

"fractional_unit": "Sen"


"commission": 0,

"tax": 0


"countries": [


id: 1

iso: "AF"

iso3: "AFG"


nicename: "Afghanistan"

numcode: 4

phonecode: 93



"currencies": {

"1": "Euro",

"2": "Indian rupee",

"3": "Japanese yen",

"4": "United States dollar",

"5": "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands pound"


"accompanimentTypes": {

"1": "Independent",

"2": "Join an existing small group",

"3": "With guide",

"4": "With driver/guide",

"5": "With driver",

"6": "Others"


"planningStages": {

"1": "Initiate",

"2": "Booking",

"3": "Completed"


"travelStyles": {

"1": "Highlights",

"2": "Off beaten path",

"3": "Other"


"travelGroups": {

"1": "Solo",

"2": "Couple",

"3": "Family",

"4": "Friends",

"5": "Others"


"paxTypes": [


"id": 1,

"label": "Adult",

"age_help_text": "13+",

"max_age": 100,

"min_age": 13



"id": 2,

"label": "Child",

"age_help_text": "(1 - 12)",

"max_age": 12,

"min_age": 1



"id": 3,

"label": "Infant",

"age_help_text": "(0 - 1)",

"max_age": 1,

"min_age": 0



"budgetOptions": [


"id": 1,

"label": "Total"



"id": 2,

"label": "Per Person"



"users": {

"1": "Vagrant devs",

"2": "Vagrant dev client 1 user 1",

"3": "Vagrant dev client 1 user 2",

"4": "manager"


"currentUser": 1,

"accommodationTypes": [


"id": 1,

"label": "Hotel"



"id": 3,

"label": "Resort"



"id": 6,

"label": "Guesthouse"



"id": 10,

"label": "Chalet"



"id": 14,

"label": "Villa"



"id": 16,

"label": "Apartment"



"id": 17,

"label": "Private vacation home"



"id": 20,

"label": "Ryokan"



"id": 26,

"label": "Hostal"



"id": 42,

"label": "Holiday Park"



"enquiryAmenities": [


"id": 1,

"label": "Free WiFi",

"icon": null



"id": 2,

"label": "Swimming Pool",

"icon": null



"id": 3,

"label": "Spa",

"icon": null



"id": 4,

"label": "Fitness Center",

"icon": null



"id": 5,

"label": "Pet Friendly",

"icon": null



"id": 6,

"label": "Airport Shuttle",

"icon": null



"id": 7,

"label": "Air Conditioning",

"icon": null



"id": 8,

"label": "Bathhouse",

"icon": null



"transportationTypes": [


"id": 1,

"label": "Airplane",

"icon": ""



"id": 2,

"label": "Train",

"icon": ""



"id": 3,

"label": "Bus",

"icon": ""



"id": 4,

"label": "Rental car",

"icon": ""



"id": 5,

"label": "Taxi",

"icon": ""



"id": 6,

"label": "Ferry",

"icon": ""



"id": 7,

"label": "Bicycle",

"icon": ""



"id": 8,

"label": "Any",

"icon": ""



"id": 9,

"label": "Shinkansen",

"icon": ""



"assistanceTypes": [


"id": 1,

"label": "Private Guide",

"icon": null



"id": 2,

"label": "Guide with a group",

"icon": null



"id": 3,

"label": "Private Driver",

"icon": null



"id": 4,

"label": "Luggage Transfer",

"icon": null




genders: {1: "Male", 2: "Female", 3: "Other"},

locales: {en: "English", de: "German", it: "Italian", es: "Spanish", fr: "French"}



Create new Inquiry



HTTP verb


Sample Request


source_type: ‘web’,

source: ‘your web link’,

accommodation: "Additional Notes",

accommodation_budget: "",

accommodation_types: [1, 14, 26],

accompaniment_types: ["1", "4", "5", "2"],

amenities: [4, 1],

assistance_types: [4, 2, 3],

budget: 1000,

budget_option_id: 1,

pack_info: [{label: "Adult", pax_type_id: 1, count: 2, age_help_text: "13+", max_age: 100, min_age: 13},…],

country_id: 107,

currency_id: 1,

date_of_arrival: "2021-08-25",

date_of_return: "2021-08-31",

duration: 7,

food: "test food",

groupSize: 6,

guide: "test guide",

notes: "test note",

special_assistance: "",

transportation: "Additional Notes",

transportation_budget: "",

transportation_types: [6, 8],

travel_group_id: "3",

travel_styles: ["1", "2"],

customer_info: {

country_id: 2

date_of_birth: "2020-01-01"

email_id: ""

first_name: "test FN"

gender_id: "1"

language: "en"

last_name: "test LN"

notes: "Additional Notes"

passport_number: ""

phone_number: ""

phonecode: 355

secondary_contact: ""



Required Field

For the customer_info:

·         first_name

·        last_name

·        email_id (uniq field)

·        country_id

·        language

·        phonecode

For the pax information (pack_info)

·        pax_type_id with id 1 (adult)

For others:

·        country_id (destination country)

·        date_of_arrival

·        date_of_return

·        travel_group_id

·        travel_styles

·        budget

Fetch Itineraries



HTTP method


Query Params

page (Add page number, by default response will have 10 items for each page)

Sample Response


   "status": "success",

   "status_code": 200,

   "data": [


           "id": 3,

           "title": "Trip for Tokyo Japan",

           "code": null,

           "language": "en",

           "price_for_customer": null,

           "pax_count": null,

           "itinerary_details_url": "http://vdev1.ts-shard.vagrant/api/integration/v1/itineraries/3",

           "media": [


                   "id": 11,

                   "url": "http://assets.ts-shard.vagrant/vdev1/media/11/conversions/jvvJpjJKVRgjwhXo7M8snDTpzGsZaOSnMmtkTxup-thumb.jpg"



           "starting_date": "2021-08-27",

           "number_of_days": 1



           "id": 2,

           "title": "Trip for Karolina Torento",

           "code": null,

           "language": "en",

           "price_for_customer": "624.00",

           "pax_count": null,

           "itinerary_details_url": "http://vdev1.ts-shard.vagrant/api/integration/v1/itineraries/2",

           "media": null,

           "starting_date": "2021-01-10",

           "number_of_days": 5



           "id": 1,

           "title": "Trip for Mumbai India",

           "code": null,

           "language": "en",

           "price_for_customer": null,

           "pax_count": null,

           "itinerary_details_url": "http://vdev1.ts-shard.vagrant/api/integration/v1/itineraries/1",

           "media": null,

           "starting_date": "2021-08-17",

           "number_of_days": 8




Fetch Itinerary details by ID



HTTP method


Sample Response


   "status": "success",

   "status_code": 200,

   "data": {

       "id": 3,

       "title": "Itinerary Template test",

       "code": null,

       "public_key": "1bf2fa57-99cb-4905-87f2-f0210edc06df",

       "version": null,

       "valid_till": null,

       "language": "en",

       "itinerary_price_type_id": 1,

       "budget_price": null,

       "price_for_customer": null,

       "starting_date": "2021-08-27",

       "display_as_url": 1,

       "display_as_pdf": 1,

       "display_on_web": 1,

       "travel_group_id": null,

       "travel_group": null,

       "show_breakdown": 1,

       "show_include_exclude": 1,

       "currency": {

           "id": 3,

           "name": "Japanese yen",

           "code": "JPY",

           "symbol": "¥",

           "fractional_unit": "Sen"


       "company_currency": {

           "id": 3,

           "name": "Japanese yen",

           "code": "JPY",

           "symbol": "¥",

           "fractional_unit": "Sen"


       "itinerary_prices": [


               "id": 11,

               "itinerary_price_type_id": 1,

               "price": "0.00",

               "customer_name": null,

               "pax_type_id": null,

               "pax_type": null



               "id": 12,

               "itinerary_price_type_id": 2,

               "price": "0.00",

               "customer_name": "Person 1",

               "pax_type_id": null,

               "pax_type": null



       "feedbacks": [],

       "price_additional_details": null,

       "includes": null,

       "excludes": null,

       "in_library": 1,

       "legal_informations": [],

       "day_components": [


               "type": "day",

               "id": 28,

               "date": "2021-08-27",

               "item_info": {

                   "id": 28,

                   "title": {

                       "en": "Day 1"


                   "description": [],

                   "in_library": 0,

                   "parent_id": null,

                   "copied_to_library": 0,

                   "components": [


                           "type": "activity",

                           "id": 74,

                           "item_info": {

                               "id": 74,

                               "type": "activity",

                               "name": {

                                   "en": "Tokyo activity"


                               "description": [],

                               "location_id": 106,

                               "parent_id": 71,

                               "location": {

                                   "id": 106,

                                   "meteoblue_id": 1850147,

                                   "country": {

                                       "id": 107,

                                       "iso": "JP",

                                       "name": "JAPAN",

                                       "nicename": "Japan",

                                       "iso3": "JPN",

                                       "numcode": 392,

                                       "phonecode": 81


                                   "name": {

                                       "en": "Tokyo"


                                   "code": null,

                                   "latitude": "35.6895000",

                                   "longitude": "139.6920000",

                                   "created_by": null,

                                   "updated_by": null,

                                   "created_at": "2021-08-27T03:50:16.000000Z",

                                   "updated_at": "2021-08-27T03:50:16.000000Z"


                               "locations": [],

                               "mapbox_address": "Go Go Curry, 新宿2-8-17, Tokyo, Tokyo Prefecture 160-0022, Japan",

                               "activity_type_id": 1,

                               "address": "Tokyo, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan",

                               "latitude": "35.6800000",

                               "longitude": "139.7700000",

                               "activity_type": {

                                   "id": 1,

                                   "label": "Experience"


                               "in_library": 0,

                               "media": null,

                               "itinerary_prices": [


                                       "rate": 129,

                                       "type": null,

                                       "details": null,

                                       "type_id": 4,

                                       "quantity": "2"



                                       "rate": 150,

                                       "type": null,

                                       "details": null,

                                       "type_id": 5,

                                       "quantity": "3"



                               "created_by": 1,

                               "updated_by": 1,

                               "created_at": "2021-08-27T04:40:11.000000Z",

                               "updated_at": "2021-08-27T04:40:36.000000Z",

                               "deleted_at": null,

                               "supplier_id": 21,

                               "supplier": {

                                   "id": 21,

                                   "name": "Tokyo supplier 12",

                                   "remarks": null,

                                   "link": null,

                                   "category": "activity",

                                   "address": null,

                                   "items": [


                                           "id": 4,

                                           "title": "Bike ride",

                                           "cost": 129,

                                           "type": {

                                               "id": 1,

                                               "label": {

                                                   "de": "Erlebnisse",

                                                   "en": "Experience",

                                                   "es": "Experiencias",

                                                   "fr": "Expérience",

                                                   "it": "Esperienza"


                                               "icon": null


                                           "type_id": 1,

                                           "location_id": 106,

                                           "location": {

                                               "id": 106,

                                               "meteoblue_id": 1850147,

                                               "country_id": 107,

                                               "name": {

                                                   "en": "Tokyo"


                                               "code": null,

                                               "latitude": "35.6895000",

                                               "longitude": "139.6920000",

                                               "created_by": null,

                                               "updated_by": null,

                                               "created_at": "2021-08-27T03:50:16.000000Z",

                                               "updated_at": "2021-08-27T03:50:16.000000Z",

                                               "deleted_at": null,

                                               "source_id": null,

                                               "source_name": null




                                           "id": 5,

                                           "title": "Boat ride",

                                           "cost": 150,

                                           "type": {

                                               "id": 1,

                                               "label": {

                                                   "de": "Erlebnisse",

                                                   "en": "Experience",

                                                   "es": "Experiencias",

                                                   "fr": "Expérience",

                                                   "it": "Esperienza"


                                               "icon": null


                                           "type_id": 1,

                                           "location_id": 106,

                                           "location": {

                                               "id": 106,

                                               "meteoblue_id": 1850147,

                                               "country_id": 107,

                                               "name": {

                                                   "en": "Tokyo"


                                               "code": null,

                                               "latitude": "35.6895000",

                                               "longitude": "139.6920000",

                                               "created_by": null,

                                               "updated_by": null,

                                               "created_at": "2021-08-27T03:50:16.000000Z",

                                               "updated_at": "2021-08-27T03:50:16.000000Z",

                                               "deleted_at": null,

                                               "source_id": null,

                                               "source_name": null




                                           "id": 6,

                                           "title": "Shoow meauseuam",

                                           "cost": 200,

                                           "type": {

                                               "id": 3,

                                               "label": {

                                                   "de": "Museum",

                                                   "en": "Museum",

                                                   "es": "Museo",

                                                   "fr": "Musée",

                                                   "it": "Museo"


                                               "icon": null


                                           "type_id": 3,

                                           "location_id": 106,

                                           "location": {

                                               "id": 106,

                                               "meteoblue_id": 1850147,

                                               "country_id": 107,

                                               "name": {

                                                   "en": "Tokyo"


                                               "code": null,

                                               "latitude": "35.6895000",

                                               "longitude": "139.6920000",

                                               "created_by": null,

                                               "updated_by": null,

                                               "created_at": "2021-08-27T03:50:16.000000Z",

                                               "updated_at": "2021-08-27T03:50:16.000000Z",

                                               "deleted_at": null,

                                               "source_id": null,

                                               "source_name": null




                                           "id": 7,

                                           "title": "Visit theme park",

                                           "cost": 110,

                                           "type": {

                                               "id": 4,

                                               "label": {

                                                   "de": "Themenpark",

                                                   "en": "Theme Park",

                                                   "es": "Parque temático",

                                                   "fr": "Parc à thème",

                                                   "it": "Parco a tema"


                                               "icon": null


                                           "type_id": 4,

                                           "location_id": 106,

                                           "location": {

                                               "id": 106,

                                               "meteoblue_id": 1850147,

                                               "country_id": 107,

                                               "name": {

                                                   "en": "Tokyo"


                                               "code": null,

                                               "latitude": "35.6895000",

                                               "longitude": "139.6920000",

                                               "created_by": null,

                                               "updated_by": null,

                                               "created_at": "2021-08-27T03:50:16.000000Z",

                                               "updated_at": "2021-08-27T03:50:16.000000Z",

                                               "deleted_at": null,

                                               "source_id": null,

                                               "source_name": null




                                           "id": 8,

                                           "title": "Tour",

                                           "cost": 150,

                                           "type": {

                                               "id": 2,

                                               "label": {

                                                   "de": "Touren",

                                                   "en": "Tour",

                                                   "es": "Tour",

                                                   "fr": "Visite",

                                                   "it": "Escursione"


                                               "icon": null


                                           "type_id": 2,

                                           "location_id": 106,

                                           "location": {

                                               "id": 106,

                                               "meteoblue_id": 1850147,

                                               "country_id": 107,

                                               "name": {

                                                   "en": "Tokyo"


                                               "code": null,

                                               "latitude": "35.6895000",

                                               "longitude": "139.6920000",

                                               "created_by": null,

                                               "updated_by": null,

                                               "created_at": "2021-08-27T03:50:16.000000Z",

                                               "updated_at": "2021-08-27T03:50:16.000000Z",

                                               "deleted_at": null,

                                               "source_id": null,

                                               "source_name": null




                                   "contacts": [],

                                   "coverage": [


                                           "id": 106,

                                           "meteoblue_id": 1850147,

                                           "country_id": 107,

                                           "name": {

                                               "en": "Tokyo"


                                           "code": null,

                                           "latitude": "35.6895000",

                                           "longitude": "139.6920000",

                                           "created_by": null,

                                           "updated_by": null,

                                           "created_at": "2021-08-27T03:50:16.000000Z",

                                           "updated_at": "2021-08-27T03:50:16.000000Z",

                                           "deleted_at": null,

                                           "source_id": null,

                                           "source_name": null,

                                           "pivot": {

                                               "supplier_id": 21,

                                               "location_id": 106




                                   "types": [


                                           "id": 1,

                                           "label": {

                                               "de": "Erlebnisse",

                                               "en": "Experience",

                                               "es": "Experiencias",

                                               "fr": "Expérience",

                                               "it": "Esperienza"


                                           "icon": null,

                                           "pivot": {

                                               "supplier_id": 21,

                                               "model_id": 1,

                                               "model_type": "App\\Models\\ActivityType"




                                           "id": 2,

                                           "label": {

                                               "de": "Touren",

                                               "en": "Tour",

                                               "es": "Tour",

                                               "fr": "Visite",

                                               "it": "Escursione"


                                           "icon": null,

                                           "pivot": {

                                               "supplier_id": 21,

                                               "model_id": 2,

                                               "model_type": "App\\Models\\ActivityType"




                                           "id": 3,

                                           "label": {

                                               "de": "Museum",

                                               "en": "Museum",

                                               "es": "Museo",

                                               "fr": "Musée",

                                               "it": "Museo"


                                           "icon": null,

                                           "pivot": {

                                               "supplier_id": 21,

                                               "model_id": 3,

                                               "model_type": "App\\Models\\ActivityType"




                                           "id": 4,

                                           "label": {

                                               "de": "Themenpark",

                                               "en": "Theme Park",

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                       "name": "destroy legal information",

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                       "id": 58,

                       "name": "index company",

                       "guard_name": "web",

                       "created_at": "2021-08-17T08:37:19.000000Z",

                       "updated_at": "2021-08-17T08:37:19.000000Z",

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                           "role_id": 1,

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                       "id": 59,

                       "name": "show company",

                       "guard_name": "web",

                       "created_at": "2021-08-17T08:37:19.000000Z",

                       "updated_at": "2021-08-17T08:37:19.000000Z",

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                           "role_id": 1,

                           "permission_id": 59




                       "id": 60,

                       "name": "update company",

                       "guard_name": "web",

                       "created_at": "2021-08-17T08:37:19.000000Z",

                       "updated_at": "2021-08-17T08:37:19.000000Z",

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                       "id": 61,

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                       "guard_name": "web",

                       "created_at": "2021-08-17T08:37:19.000000Z",

                       "updated_at": "2021-08-17T08:37:19.000000Z",

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                           "permission_id": 61




                       "id": 62,

                       "name": "create todo",

                       "guard_name": "web",

                       "created_at": "2021-08-17T08:37:19.000000Z",

                       "updated_at": "2021-08-17T08:37:19.000000Z",

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                       "created_at": "2021-08-17T08:37:20.000000Z",

                       "updated_at": "2021-08-17T08:37:20.000000Z",

                       "pivot": {

                           "role_id": 1,

                           "permission_id": 63




                       "id": 64,

                       "name": "destroy todo",

                       "guard_name": "web",

                       "created_at": "2021-08-17T08:37:20.000000Z",

                       "updated_at": "2021-08-17T08:37:20.000000Z",

                       "pivot": {

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                           "permission_id": 64




                       "id": 65,

                       "name": "index suppliers",

                       "guard_name": "web",

                       "created_at": "2021-08-17T08:37:20.000000Z",

                       "updated_at": "2021-08-17T08:37:20.000000Z",

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                       "id": 66,

                       "name": "show suppliers",

                       "guard_name": "web",

                       "created_at": "2021-08-17T08:37:20.000000Z",

                       "updated_at": "2021-08-17T08:37:20.000000Z",

                       "pivot": {

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                           "permission_id": 66




                       "id": 67,

                       "name": "create suppliers",

                       "guard_name": "web",

                       "created_at": "2021-08-17T08:37:20.000000Z",

                       "updated_at": "2021-08-17T08:37:20.000000Z",

                       "pivot": {

                           "role_id": 1,

                           "permission_id": 67




                       "id": 68,

                       "name": "update suppliers",

                       "guard_name": "web",

                       "created_at": "2021-08-17T08:37:20.000000Z",

                       "updated_at": "2021-08-17T08:37:20.000000Z",

                       "pivot": {

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                           "permission_id": 68




                       "id": 69,

                       "name": "destroy suppliers",

                       "guard_name": "web",

                       "created_at": "2021-08-17T08:37:20.000000Z",

                       "updated_at": "2021-08-17T08:37:20.000000Z",

                       "pivot": {

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                           "permission_id": 69





           "password": "",

           "email_verified_at": "2020-09-18T07:17:05.000000Z",

           "verification_email_sent_at": null,

           "user_edit": "http://vdev1.ts-shard.vagrant/users/1/edit",

           "change_password_url": "http://vdev1.ts-shard.vagrant/users/1/change-password",

           "media": null,

           "updated_at": "2021-08-31T03:06:47.000000Z",

           "deleted_at": null


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       "additional_services": [],

       "reference_version": null,

       "price_conversion_rate": null,

       "created_by": 1,

       "updated_by": 1,

       "created_at": "2021-08-27T04:39:47.000000Z",

       "updated_at": "2021-08-31T03:16:17.000000Z"

