How is iTrove connected to Toursoft?


The tool and the platform


iTrove is a database of all Toursoft itineraries available for sale and inquiry. It gives you access to pre-made itineraries, which can be booked or customized.

Toursoft and iTrove work together to enhance your travel planning experience. If you're using Toursoft to create your own itinerary, you can use iTrove to find pre-made itineraries that match your interests or travel style. If you find one that you like, you can book it directly through iTrove or use it as inspiration for your own personalized itinerary.

You can also use iTrove to submit itinerary requests to tour operators and travel agents. This allows you to receive personalized recommendations and quotes from experts in the travel industry.

In summary, iTrove is a database of all Toursoft itineraries available for sale and inquiry. It provides access to pre-made itineraries that can be booked or customized, and works together with Toursoft to enhance your travel planning experience.